Wednesday, March 25

Well actually not much stuff to update from this few days is just passing my day with full of work because is a big turn for me. From a receptionist to a image sale consultant!!! something big for me to take it because i have never ever try in sales line before but well is time for a change man!! yeah!!

I agree with people around saying that "Joyce you need to listen more , instead of talking more!! and yes i totally agree with it is like i know is a good thing that people pass this kind of comment it will only make me a better person in future and i think i will work on to change this stupid habit of mine to make sure i listen more to others it might not be a bad thing anyway!! More over i think this will improve in my working lifestyle.

I know is a risk to take for my job but i love and enjoy this job so far so no matter how hard it going to get i will work double hard then what i am doing now.. No deal dose not mean not sales, with the correct mind set i believe i will success in time. I might be in the bottom or so call the learning process now but in time to come i will be able to climb up as high as i can!!! success don't come easy it take effort and time to be able to make it to that far as far as i am concern i believe i can do it!!!

Jia yo ba , Joyce!!!

Haha little encouragement from myself will help me to face a better day for tomorrow!!!

People 's thanks for all the motivation and encouragement!! i will bear that in mind and work on for it , no worries!!!