Saturday, December 20

Pre-Celebration Of Christmas With Friends

Location : Paris Ris Park
Event: Pre- Christmas Party

When down to Kay house to meet up before going down to the BBQ organize by his friends.

While waiting for the food to arrival me , Kay and Jeffery start to play cards and yes Kay lose $10 to Jeffery haha is like so unlucky of him.

Here are the pics!!!

ck , Joyce , Bon , FiFi , Xiao Wei , Angela

ck And Edwin

Joyce & Jeffery

Joyce & Kay

The Super Gay Buddy

It nice know everyone there sorry if i didn't talk much because i am kind of shy... Yeah maybe one of these day we can party together :D

Baby boy , you know i feel insecure. Before i leave the BBQ the words you told me and the hug you gave me make me feel warm having you by my side..

thank you :)