Friday, November 28


OMG is like i have not been going to zouk for since don't know when..
Those who attend thank you once again!! " girls outing cum nights out"

Here we go!!

Joyce , Julien , Stephanie , Eileen , Cherie

Those i happen to see them there

Darren , Lucas , Yong Meng , sec sch junior lol.. Ricky, Ben Ben and his gangs

out is like As usual we didn't head in so early so we went to coffee shop to catch some drinks first.. well i hate myself for not taking my cigEileen was smoking in front of me well i give a fuck face and yes i complain to darling step!! ok i know i deserve the laughing from you girls.. well Joyce will try to stop wearing legging to club because i cant bring much of my stuff out :(

Tiger beer and 7 ups time!!!

After that head to phuture!! yeah is like so fun because i saw my secondary friend there. It been so long since i last saw them!! hee!! too bad pics are not taken , i promise i will take pictures the next time i see them.. brought back alot of memories man.. and "LUCAS HAPPY BIRTHDAY" this little small boy lol..

Follow by the girls , you girls rock man..!! totally blow me away!!

The whole party people!!

chilling time!!

Step , Eileen , ju , Joyce

Cherie we cant see you!! omg!! haha!!

Never mind here we go!! all of us!!

ju , Eileen , step , Joyce , Cherie

Don't forget all those candid toilet shot!! they are a loved spot for all Ladies out there!! so how can we miss it out!!

The 2 of them that are missing!! Citibank card!! slow right! lol.

Mei and jie ( that what she call me i also don't know why man)

Lastly we head home :) with a super ride from step friends!!! lol wahaha