Monday, November 24

Ti do Ti Do

Company baby to vivo today.. to change his LG phone battery but turn out cannot change :(
guess wasted that trip down to vivo then haha..
Bloody hell come mens damn moody argh!!
Sometimes i wonder why am i a woman??? i wish to be guy if i can hee!!
while in the train baby we were talking about funny people that we saw in the train in the end guess what i pull baby nose out of the train and people around us are looking at him wahaha so funny!! sorry baby i just want to have some fun hehe =)
Head home myself without baby cause not the same direction kind of get use of him sending me home so feel kind of werid. Anyway meet up with with mummy to have dinner together as usual she went singing with her singing ka kis after the dinner while i head home to watch to " Ten brothers"
How i hope i have some special power as well to make me special human being living in this world......