Monday, November 17

PIss Off Monday~~~

Hi all sorry once again for delaying the updates , here we go anyway :)
Alright was at work today when out of sudden my MS Words could not be able to shift up some table which i had delete for this freaking troublesome checklist.
Asking colleagues around to help out and hell ya no one knows.. damn it like a MS Words and no one know.. then i was thinking what else they know then really is "dots , dots, dots!!!!"
the person who suppose to assist me as usual is not doing his job. yeah i agree "HIS " rank is bigger then mine but So what~!!! i don't give a damn about it.
He is suppose to help me anyway.
Guess what he say to my HR : " i not free , ask someone else to do lah.." -> loud and clear just standing behind my deck!!! argh!!! ouch it hurt god damn it u dont have to say it so loud man!!!
my mind was telling me " fucking hell i am damn piss!! Fine!! i shall jus carry on doing my own stuff , anything goes wrong don't even come ask me afterall the whole ISO , mangement
respective name is under you.
5 ways to treat those SELFISH JERKS
1. Say you are not free to help out , when ever he want you to do anything.
2. Dont even give a damn when he complaint about your performance.
3. Ask him if he is so damn clever , come do the things you are doing.
4. when he is out smoking , dont even say hi or smile at him. If not he will think that you are so FRIENDLIY till he can bully you at work.
5. Lastly , dont get invlove with his speech, lousy bloody job and any activity he is into.