Monday, November 10


i am so sick!! :( work till half way i went home to rest.. damn it.. really dont know why am i so weak.. mummy wanted to bring to see doctor but i think is a waste of money so i just pop some panadole like i always do.. *please everyone dont eat panadole like me* it bad for health and they will some how destroy your brain or something.

Some fun on PHOTOFUNIA heh!

here are some of the funny pic that they have!

haha yes i bet you guys will say i have nothing better to do indeed i am.. lol.. u can try it out too..

Tomorrow have to work again .. feel kinda sick and tired of it :( hope meeting tomorrow can be as smooth as possible..

wish me luck guys :)

gonna go have my dinner and watch "ten brother's"

joyce loved hee!! ciao!!